Quality control of the shoes at the factory and inspect the entire production process
Do you want to be 100% sure of the quality of the wholesale shipment of shoes from China?
Would you like to be insured against losses and receive goods that meet the stated requirements?
The QC staff do not only check the quality of the shoes prior to shipment. We have developed an optimal system of independent checks at all production stages.
We have a great influence on the quality of Shoemaking
It is difficult to change anything once production is complete. The only way to influence quality is to detect flaws in the technological process at the start and carefully monitor the process while in the factory.
Based on our vast experience, we have developed a set of measures to support the production process.
When you start a line with your order the specialists of QC checks:
  • Matching colors, materials and accessories according to the approved samples before starting the production line
  • Starting the order production according to the approved shipment schedule to avoid delays
  • Trying of the first samples at the factory by our fitting model
  • Control of the production process
  • Checking the compliance of the size range in master boxes according to the order requirements
The Ginger Shoes inspection has a strong effect. The manufacturer is aware of the seriousness of the client and treats the order more responsibly.
Present all the time at the factory, a QC specialist will control every technological stage - from cutting the material to the packing. This will exclude manufacturing defects and will guarantee the absence of «surprises».
Not sure if the factory is fair?

We will conduct an independent inspection on site. The cost is negotiated personally, based on the volume of the order and the requirements for verification.

Before shipment of the order, the inspector will prepare a report indicating all the details of the order and photos of the finished product.

Placed an order with another supplier, but want to play it safe?
Contact us to order QC service and save your budget
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